Monday, May 10, 2021

Boat Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

Not every aspect of boat ownership is fun or entertaining. But in order to enjoy the exciting aspects of owning a boat, you have to embrace responsibilities like cleaning your boat and keeping it well maintained. And while you don’t need a ton of skill to clean a boat, there are some nuances to be aware of. In particular, there are a few things you do not want to do when cleaning your boat.

5 Common Boat Cleaning Mistakes

Every boat is different. Some boats require very sensitive cleaning, while others can be sprayed down with a pressure washer and stored for the summer. But regardless of what type of boat you own, there are some common boat cleaning mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Let’s take a look:

1. Failing to Rinse Before Scrubbing

Some boat owners are so anxious to start cleaning that they commit a huge sin: Forgetting to rinse before scrubbing. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just pulled your boat out of the water or it’s been out all along, rinsing is necessary to remove all dirt, salt, mud, and other marine particles that were picked up when the boat was in the water. (If you don’t rinse first, these particles could scratch your hull’s clearcoat and lead to a weathered and worn look.)

2. Using the Wrong Cleaning Agents

The right boat cleaning supplies are an absolute must. The products and ingredients you need to use on your boat will depend on the types of surfaces and materials you have. Never assume that a product is fine for your boat just because you found it on the aisle with other boat cleaning supplies.

For example, aluminum exteriors require different cleaning agents than fiberglass exteriors. On the interior, pay attention to the type of upholstery you have and refer to your owner’s manual for proper maintenance recommendations.

3. Letting the Boat Air-Dry

A lot of boat owners make the mistake of letting their boats air-dry after pulling them out of the water. And while you can technically do this, it’s not the best way to maintain your boat’s hull.

When a boat air-dries on its own, you’ll notice little specks and white spots on the boat’s surface. The first time you do it, these specks might not seem like a big deal. However, they eventually become more pronounced and leave your boat looking dirty (even when it’s technically clean). The better alternative is to hand-dry with microfiber cloths that are designed to remove excess moisture without scratching the surface.

4. Not Protecting the Hull

Rinsing, scrubbing, and drying your boat takes time. The last thing you want to do is ruin all of this hard work by skipping the all-important step of protecting the hull with a high-quality wax product.

In addition to making your boat gleam in the sunshine, a good wax and buff will protect your boat from damaging UV rays and repel dirt and grime from sticking to the surface. A good waxing once or twice a year should be plenty.

5. Failure to Inspect Key Systems

Any thorough cleaning routine should consist of careful inspection of key systems. A failure to utilize this opportunity to inspect your boat’s integral components could lead to a major breakdown at the wrong time. And if you fail to inspect prior to winterization, you may find some nasty surprises when the weather warms up and it’s time to place your boat back in the water.

One of the biggest mistakes boat owners make is forgetting to inspect the propeller. Your boat’s propeller is designed in such a way that it’s durable and requires very little ongoing maintenance; however, this doesn’t mean it’s indestructible. And when there’s an issue, it can create major problems for the rest of the boat.

As you clean, inspect the entire propeller and look for signs of corrosion or chips on the fins. If there’s anything wrapped around the propeller – like fishing line or algae – remove it to prevent future damage.

Get Your Boat in Tip-Top Shape

Keeping your boat cleaned is more than just a practice in vanity. While it certainly looks nice to have a shiny hull and well-conditioned upholstered seats, it ultimately has less to do with looks and more to do with maintaining your boat so that it continues to run well for years to come. The good news is that it doesn’t take a ton of work – if you do it right.

By avoiding the mistakes highlighted in this article, you can keep your boating looking good and performing at its peak for many summers to come.

The post Boat Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid first appeared on Feedster.

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