Monday, January 4, 2021

What is Fungal Acne and How to Get Rid of it?

Let’s talk about hygiene today.

Have you been trying to get rid of acne but haven’t been successful yet?

Then there is a strong chance that it is fungal acne.

It’s not that gross or terrible as it sounds. But yes, a regular acne treatment will not work here.

Let’s find out the simplest way of how to treat fungal acne.

Fungal infection is very stubborn and remains in a loyal relationship with your skin. But what on earth is this acne? We’ll find out soon.

What is Fungal Acne and What Triggers It?

The first mystery to resolve about fungal acne is- it is not acne!

Yes. It’s just a comfortable name for us who cannot pronounce Pityrosporum or Malassezia folliculitis.

It is due to yeast fungal infection around the hair follicles of your skin, aka infectious folliculitis.

Yeast is already present on your skin. The good skin bacteria wins the battle against it and keeps it under control every time.

However, the slightest imbalance causes the yeast to overgrow, resulting in an acne breakout.

Most of the time, this acne gets misdiagnosed. Wrong or late treatment will cause the infection to spread on your skin.

In fact, if you scratch or touch the infected area and physically contact other people, it can get transferred to them.

You have to be very careful and aware of the triggers causing a fungal infection.


Common fungal acne causes –


Sweat and trapped moisture on your skin is the most common culprit behind infectious acne breakout.

Wearing sweaty workout clothes for long hours and not washing them regularly might cause a yeast infection.

Changing Diet:

Usually, yeast on your skin remains under control. However, certain diets such as sweet carbohydrates can trigger imbalance and overgrowth of yeast.

Fungus loves sweet carbohydrates, and it might get worse with time.

Medication and Antibiotics:

Certain medications and antibiotics end up killing good skin bacteria, which keeps yeast under control.

Antibiotics allow the yeast to overgrow on your skin.

Heavy Makeup and Tight Clothes:

A heavy layer of makeup can disturb hair follicles and trap moisture in skin pores.

Similarly, tight clothes do not give your skin enough breathing space, resulting in a fungal breakout.

Sure, your skin needs moisture, but it should not be trapped for too long.

You might have figured out which one of the above has given you the nightmare. Not to worry as there are several ways to get rid of the skin-monster.

But before that, you need to understand the difference between regular acne and yeast acne.

How is Fungal Acne Different from Regular Acne?

A few simple observations can help you identify either of the acne types.

  • Regular acne is caused due to excess sebum, bacteria, changing hormones, or diet. The pimples could be inflammatory and painful to touch. Yeast breakout, on the other hand, is crazy itchy. You would want to scratch your skin all the time.
  • Regular acne could be blackheads, whiteheads, deep cysts, nodules, or pustules. Whereas fungal infection usually appears as clusters of whiteheads.
  • Regular acne can be anywhere on your body, but mostly on your pretty face. Fungal breakout pops out on your chest, arm, back, and neck.
  • You can quickly get rid of regular acne with a skincare routine or changes in diet. Infectious acne needs special soap, fungal acne face wash, or even oral medication to treat.

It’s not like you cannot treat yeast infection at home. That’s why we are talking about hygiene next.

How to Cure Fungal Infection on Skin Naturally

  • Cleansing:

The most effective way to ditch fungus infection is by keeping good hygiene. Cleaning the infected area, taking a shower twice a day will be the best remedy.

However, you cannot use regular skincare products.

Instead, it would be best if you had a fungal acne routine with face wash or soap containing pyrithione zinc or selenium sulfide.

Or an anti-dandruff shampoo would also work. Wash your hair, body, and face thoroughly, at least thrice a day.

Pro tip:

Even if you don’t have a yeast infection, use body polish once a week to cleanse skin pores. Averr Aglow’s Rejuvenating Essence Body Polish with antioxidants and nutrients will keep your skin fresh and healthy.

  • Wear comfortable cotton clothes:

Prefer wearing loose clothes, so that your skin can breathe.

Make sure to remove gym clothes right after you come home and regularly wash them. Cotton clothes would be better as it won’t irritate your skin.

  • Proper diet:

Avoid excess consumption of sweet carbohydrates. Your diet should have fruits, vegetables, protein, and minimal carbohydrates.

  • Dermatologist treatment:

If your acne looks worse even after trying home remedies, it’s time to consult a doctor.

You will most probably be prescribed some oral medication such as itraconazole or fluconazole, along with a ketoconazole body wash.

Together it will cure damaged hair follicles.

Beautiful Women, try the above remedies and ditch that acne today. Get your skin glow back and shine like a star. 

The post What is Fungal Acne and How to Get Rid of it? first appeared on Feedster.

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