Thursday, October 8, 2020

Smart Solutions for the Smart Home Owner

If you are fortunate enough to be in a position where you can design your own living space, emerging technology empowers you in many ways, with smart solutions for almost every aspect of home management. The Internet of Things will be a platform for all of your domestic appliances to connect with you, enabling you to turn on the cooker and the climate control so that when you arrive home, the house is cool and your dinner is cooked.

Solar Power

If you live in Australia and are building your dream home, there isn’t a better way to get clean and renewable energy than solar power. The Australian government fully supports home and business owners who wish to make the switch to solar energy, and that comes in the form of grants and interest-free loans to install a solar power system. Look into it and you will find there are many benefits, becoming energy independent being just one, and with a system designed around the property, all of your energy requirements can be provided without the need to hook up to the national grid.

Building Maintenance

The smart solution to building maintenance and repairs is to pre-source essential services and store their numbers in your smartphone. Whether in need of Sydney roof repairs, or a blocked drain specialist, Google will provide you with emergency numbers of local companies, such as:

  • Plumber
  • Roofing contractor
  • Electrician
  • Locksmith
  • Telecommunications

Should you ever have a need for a domestic service, you’ll be glad you took the time to find reliable, local tradespeople, and this will be very useful in an emergency.

Smart Security

Of course, your new build would include CCTV cameras covering the perimeter, which you can view from any location with an Internet connection, and when you are holidaying abroad, you can check what’s happening at home using a smartphone app. If you wish to install a state-of-the-art house alarm, this can be connected to a local police network, and a message will be sent if the alarm is triggered. Keyless locking is obviously the way to go when designing your own home, which could even be biometric, allowing authorised people to enter with a fingerprint scan, or have a keypad and issue passwords.

Electric Gates

Bespoke solutions ensure that your residential gating is both secure and attractive, and with features such as keypad access and CCTV with intercom, you have total control. You can add car registration tags, so your gates automatically open as your approach the driveway, and they will close behind you, and with the motor and running mechanism underground, your driveway won’t look cluttered.

Exterior Lighting

The ideal solution is motion sensor switches that will automatically turn on the light as you enter the area, and with LED solutions, you can be really creative with exterior lighting. Another thing you can do is to wire the outdoor lighting to your smart home system and you can program the times for the lights to come on and go off. While on the subject of home management, here are a few domestic scenarios to avoid, which makes for an informative read for every homeowner.

The Future

If you build a smart home, there will be many innovative ways that you can make life more convenient, with artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), that allow you to run a robot to help you with the housekeeping. Imagine being at the office and calling your digital servant at home, telling him what you would like for dinner and which wine to chill, while ensuring that the climate control is turned on at the right time. Here is some Australian government information about the Internet of Things.

Electric Vehicles

Driverless vehicles are already on the road and the chances are that before very long, you will be trading in your gas guzzler for an electric model, and by installing the universal vehicle charging plug, you will be ready for a new age of motoring. A soon as you leave your driveway, your vehicle will be online with the AI traffic system, which controls the vehicle for the entirety of your journey, allowing you to have a nap, and while we totally understand you won’t be sleeping in the car for a while, this will change when you realise that accidents are now a thing of the past. If every vehicle is being tracked in real time by AI, then theoretically, it is impossible for there to be any accidents, although that very much remains to be seen.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can incorporate smart technology into your new home, and as time passes, you can add more features to your smart home, making life that little bit nicer.

The post Smart Solutions for the Smart Home Owner first appeared on Feedster.

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