Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tips for Quality Post Optimization – How to Get More Traffic

When you are writing a blog post, you want to share something useful; to give people your own perspective on the topic, and to generate some traffic in the process. Traffic may not be your primary purpose, but it’s useless to write if your blog is a ghost town. In other words, when you are writing, it’s good to think about how you are going to attract readers.

Before you write, you need to plan out your article. You need to have a tactic for creating content and for content exposure. So, the following article will serve as a guide on how to tackle this matter efficiently, and it’ll give you a brief overview of the thing you need to do before you start creating content.

The goal of your post


First thing’s first. What is the goal of your post? Is it supposed to serve as a tutorial? As a review of the product? Or, perhaps it is a pervasive article designed to make the buyer take action. This is very important, because it dictates the tone and approach of your written content. If it’s instructional, you need to be specific, use simple language and make sure there are no ways to misinterpret the instructions. If people aren’t able to complete the guide efficiently, then it is not living up to its purpose.

If you want to create an honest review and an uproar about how something you bought didn’t live up to your expectations, then you can use sarcasm to express your frustration. Remember to share photos that exemplify your point as well, so that the review looks as legit as possible. For a pervasive article, you need to be excited about the product and show the audience how much fun you are having.

Target audience

Another important element is your target audience. Do you want to write for professionals and be taken seriously, or maybe to create content for teenagers, which means that you need to entertain them, etc? Again, it doesn’t mean that you have to be childish non-stop, or that you need to be constantly serious; you can have fun, and use a positive tone regardless of your subscriber base. Some bloggers love to use curse words, others love to make up their own phrases, and some use simple language if most of their readers or viewers are not native speakers.  

Keyword research

Before you start writing, you need to know exactly which words you are going to use in order to make your content more visible. So, you need to target the searchers’ intent and to respond to their search pattern, or to give an answer to their search query.  You can use the Google AdWords keyword planner to ascertain the strength and competition for a particular keyword, or you can use other tools that you find more reliable and accurate.

Competitive research

It is also crucial that you look into your competition and see who else has done some similar posts. You need to do this in order to see if their post is lacking something; to see how you can improve the existing information base, or to take an approach that will make your content more valuable and unique. If the uniqueness of your content is greater than anything else online, and if you use the right keywords, you can easily outrank your competitors. However, you still need to have references in your content, so that there are quality links in your post, and so that other readers can see why you content is more valuable than everything else.

Outreach plan

Finally, you need to have an outreach plan, or a sharing tactic, as I like to call it. The best way to get exposure is to share your content on social media profiles, and to maximize the utility of this action, timing is of the essence. Again, it’s your target audience that dictates your time of posting; if most of them are nine to five employees, then you should post around 6pm, for example.

You can use social media management tools to track their engagement and test when it is at its peak, and then use the same tools to share posts if you are any some chance prevented to do so.


This was a quick overview of post optimization. There are a lot more details that you need to work out in order to fully utilize all of the tips presented here. Still, whenever you need to create a post, make sure you take these suggestions into consideration.

from Feedster

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