Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Current Trends in E-Security

Data security is at the heart of the modern digital landscape. In the current environment, the rapid changes of the digital landscape taking place opens the door for new vulnerabilities, which ends up creating a daunting task for companies to keep their data secure. Now that everything is mobile, this introduces far more opportunities for hackers, malicious apps and viruses to make their impact felt. It is a problem that has people asking what modern approaches to data security exist and which ones truly work?

Returning to Basics

In order to keep control of sensitive data, some basic protocols need to be followed to ensure that PC’s and mobile devices remain secure for the purpose of harboring sensitive data. Beefing up firewalls and properly deleting files reside at the heart of ensuring that there is a first line of defense in place to keep data out of harm’s way as well as the wrong hands. Experts from major antivirus companies recommend updating to latest malware and virus detection software – latest virus databases help to bring added data security to your Internet ready devices. Although this is a great first step to ensuring that data remains secure, the general consensus is that data security should take a more multi-layered approach.


Intelligent Data Monitoring

According to this source, new software-based intelligent data analytic models exist which help to better identify which data from which applications is actually sensitive data. With this determination in hand, creating methodologies for diverting resources to protect the most sensitive data on Internet ready machines and platforms becomes a much more resource-based, cost effective approach to ensuring that important data remains secure. One area where this is much needed arises in the increased use of Big Data. Because Big Data is such a large repository of data to handle, it ends up being a huge drain on resources to have to safeguard irrelevant and unimportant segments of data. Being able to more intelligently narrow down which type of data deserves the most resources for security purposes decreases the drain on data security resources across the board. Additionally, as better A. I. Data security solutions emerge, this rapidly increases a system’s ability to respond to a cyber threat. Simply being able to cut a hacker off early on is often enough to prevent a serious data breach.

Encryption Is a Must

Encryption, once the exclusive study of math geeks, has become an entrenched part of any truly comprehensive modern data security strategy. Data encryption works off of an encryption key and a data encryption algorithm called a Cipher. The goal of data encryption is to turn otherwise straight forward looking data into an unintelligible mess to obscure the meaning of the data prior to cyber attacks. In this sense, even if a hacker gets a hold of personal information, this does not mean they will know how to decode it. According to article posted here, one of the major vulnerabilities of encryption methods results from people using weak passwords for their encrypted data. To augment your data’s safety, it is recommended to employ an alphanumeric string of characters that is a minimum of fifteen characters in length and case sensitive. Where in the past 8-character passwords seemed fairly secure, computers today have faster processing power. This processing speed increase makes it easier for hackers to quickly figure out shorter passwords. Also, using the same password for all accounts where a person has sensitive data stored, rather than using a separate password for each account, makes it possible for a hacker to get lucky by cracking only one password to have access to all accounts a user possesses. Because numerous software-based encryption products exist, it is critical to learn what products are keeping up to date with improved data encryption standards and trends.


Managed Services


The new frontier of data security is filled with numerous layers of security methods which, when used in conjunction with one another, offer a person many layers of functional data protection. Gone are the days when a single layer of data security sufficed to ensure that PC’s and mobile devices were safe on which to harbor data. Modern hackers, malware, and viruses prove to be far more resilient to protection methods than in the past. As more intelligent data security methods hit the market, so do more intelligent cyber attack methodologies. It is essential to always remember that a hacker or piece of malware only has to be right once to compromise sensitive data on any device.

from Feedster http://www.feedster.com/blog/twitter-epicninjadaboss/current-trends-in-e-security/

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